
The National Measurement Institute (NMI) is working with the International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML) to review the international standard for water meters for cold potable water and hot water.

The OIML R 49 standard is the international recommendation for the requirements and testing procedures used to evaluate patterns of water meters.

As part of this process, we are seeking feedback on the First Committee Draft (1 CD) of the review of OIML R 49 Water meters intended for the metering of cold potable water and hot water.

Your comments will form part of an Australian submission on the review. They will allow us to better represent Australian industry and facilitate international trade through this international recommendation.

When the revision of OIML R 49 has been completed and a new edition published by OIML, we will consider adopting the new edition as Australia’s pattern approval requirements for water meters for cold potable water and hot water.

Consultation documents

First Committee Draft of OIML R 49 documents:

  • 1 CD of OIML R 49-1: Water meters intended for the metering of cold potable water and hot water Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements

  • 1 CD of OIML R 49-2: Water meters intended for the metering of cold potable water and hot water Part 2: Test methods

Please provide feedback on these documents by filling in the stakeholder comments form and sending it to us via the make a submission button below.


  • Opened
    14 December 2022
  • Closed
    9 February 2023
Legal Metrology Branch