Published responses
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The Australian Government announced the International Space Investment (ISI) initiative in the 2018-19 Budget under the measure Australian Technology and Science Growth Plan – growing the Australian space industry. Under this measure, the Government committed to providing $15 million over three years from 2019-20 to establish the ISI initiative, which will support strategic international space projects that generate employment and business opportunities for Australians.
The ISI initiative is a key initiative to support the recently released Australian Civil Space Strategy 2019-2028. The ISI initiative will be administered by the Australian Space Agency, with applications opening later this year.
The Agency is seeking views on the design of the ISI initiative. In particular, we would like to hear from businesses and researchers that are currently engaged, or would like to be engaged, in international space projects.
Consultation paper
- International Space Investment initiative: Consultation paper on the program’s design [506KB PDF] [404KB DOCX]
Consultation sessions
To support the submission process, we will be holding question and answer sessions in every capital city.
- Brisbane, 14 June 11am – 12.30pm
- Darwin, 17 June 10am – 11.30am
- Perth, 18 June 11am -12.30pm
- Adelaide, 19 June 11am-12.30pm
- Melbourne, 21 June 2pm-3.30pm
- Sydney, 24 June 11am-12.30pm
- Hobart, 25 June 11am-12.30pm
- Canberra, 28 June 11am – 12.30pm
These consultation sessions are intended for the broader space industry and those who intend to apply under the ISI initiative, they are not open to media. Should media be interested in a briefing, contact
What happens next
The Australian Space Agency is reviewing and analysing the submissions we received, along with the views we heard from participants at our consultation sessions held around the country in June 2019. This feedback will inform the final design of the ISI initiative, which will open for applications later this year.
- International Space Investment initiative consultation paper 403.2 KB (Office Word 2007 XML document)
- International Space Investment initiative consultation paper 505.4 KB (PDF document)