The National Measurement Institute (NMI) has been working to develop a general certificate of approval for electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). NMI is basing the certificate on OIML G 22:2022 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (OIML G 22).
We are seeking feedback on the draft general certificate of approval for EVSE which specifies the:
maximum permissible errors (MPEs) that would apply to all EVSE regardless of the date of manufacture
need for EVSE to be constructed in line with OIML G 22 and marked with the specified markings from 1 April 2026
principles-based test procedure for verification.
The main draft points to consider include:
marking needs (as specified in clause 1.2 - Markings)
base MPEs.
More information is in the consultation paper.
Consultation documents
Consultation paper - general certificate of approval for electric vehicle supply equipment [190KB PDF] [105KB DOCX]
Draft general certificate of approval for electric vehicle supply equipment [76KB PDF] [62KB DOCX]
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