In mid-March 2024, the Australian Space Agency will lead a delegation of Australian Government and industry/academia representatives to the European Astronaut Centre (EAC). Indicative dates are 13 – 15 March 2024. We’re seeking expressions of interest from industry and academia to join the delegation. The delegation aims to:
facilitate connections and build relationships between:
Australian entities with an interest in technologies related to human spaceflight and microgravity research
the European Space Agency (ESA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) by showcasing capabilities and exploring opportunities for future collaboration
provide an opportunity for Australian industry and academia to gain knowledge and develop an understanding of the technological requirements for participating in microgravity research and entering human spaceflight supply chains.
The Australian Space Agency will determine suitability to join the delegation based on responses to the survey questions. Up to ten successful delegates will be selected.
During the visit, delegates will have opportunities to meet ESA and DLR representatives from a wide range of areas from human spaceflight technology and microgravity science.
Please note that travel and associated costs will be at the expense of the successful delegates.
We will determine outcomes from the EOI one week after the closing date of 15 February 2024. We will notify all applicants of the outcome of their application via email.
Express your interest
You can express your interest by answering some survey questions.
We want to know:
how your organisation’s capabilities or endeavours align with human spaceflight technologies and your maturity level of development
how participating in the delegation would lead to potential future collaborations and outcomes for your organisation.
Your areas of interest could cover:
space health and medicine
payload development and microgravity research
human spaceflight technology
other space sub-sectors associated with human spaceflight.