AusIndustry is committed to supporting Australian businesses to access the Research and Development Tax Incentive (R&D Tax Incentive). The R&D Tax Incentive helps companies innovate and grow by offsetting some of the costs of eligible research and development (R&D).
The R&D Tax Incentive offers a tax offset for companies conducting eligible R&D activities. Eligible R&D activities are defined in the legislation that underpins the program.
Recent legislative reforms have paved the way for the introduction of determinations in the administration of the R&D Tax Incentive.
Determinations are new public, binding, notifiable instruments. They set out how the law is applied by the department.
Why we are consulting
We are launching the draft Industry Research and Development (clinical trials, Phase 0, I, II, III for an unapproved therapeutic good) Determination 2021 for feedback.
This is the first R&D Tax Incentive determination in development. AusIndustry has consulted with the Australian Taxation Office and Department of Health on this work.
Your feedback is vital to ensure the determination:
- is robust and relevant when adopted
- can facilitate clinical trials research and development in Australia.
We are inviting written submissions, survey responses and comments.
We would like to hear:
- whether you believe we have got the determination correct
- how your organisation would use the determination if implemented
- any positive or negative consequences you foresee from the determination
- your feedback on the determination.
If you provide a written submission, please consider the questions in the Consultation Paper below.
Consultation documents
Essential materials
To contribute meaningfully to this consultation you must consider these documents:
- Draft Industry Research and Development (clinical trials, Phase 0, I, II, III for an unapproved therapeutic good) Determination 2021 [235KB PDF] [56KB DOC]
- Draft Explanatory Statement for draft Industry Research and Development (clinical trials, Phase 0, I, II, III for an unapproved therapeutic good) Determination 2021 [226KB PDF] [56KB DOCX]
Guiding material to facilitate feedback
The following materials may support you to contribute feedback.
- Recommended Guiding Questions for Written Submissions: This brief document provides contextual information, and outlines questions and matters for consideration [801KB PDF] [109KB DOCX]
- R&DTI Determinations - Fact Sheet: this fact sheet provides an overview of determinations [655KB PDF] [97KB DOCX]
- Fact Sheet on the Draft Industry Research and Development (clinical trials, Phase 0, I, II, III for an unapproved therapeutic good) Determination 2021: this fact sheet provides an overview of this draft determination and its intended impacts [779KB PDF] [87KB DOCX]
- Read about the R&D Tax Incentive