Published responses
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The 2021 Offshore Greenhouse Gas Storage Acreage Release is a key strategy of the Australian Government to:
- reduce emissions
- support Australia's resource sector.
The GHG acreage release will provide companies the opportunity to explore for offshore carbon dioxide injection and storage locations.
We are seeking your feedback on the potential release areas and how exploration activities may impact you. The submissions will help identify issues for:
- the government to consider when determining which areas to release for bidding
- companies to be aware of when preparing bids or planning exploration activities.
Submissions will be made public unless marked confidential.
Areas for consultation
Industry have nominated the following areas for consideration in the 2021 GHG acreage release:
- Bonaparte Basin
- Browse Basin
- Northern Carnarvon Basin.
Shapefiles and maps for the nominated areas are available at the bottom of this page. If you experience any issues with downloading files, contact us at
What happens next
The government will assess the nominated areas for inclusion in the 2021 GHG acreage release. It will consider issues raised in the submissions before endorsing a release area. An area will be included in the release if the issues are considered manageable through regulatory approvals processes.
Australian Petroleum News will announce the final areas. Please subscribe to the newsletter for the latest updates.
The release of acreage does not mean exploration activities will occur. Exploration companies must first bid for a release area. The National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) will award a greenhouse gas assessment permit to successful bidders. A permit authorises the company to apply to the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) to undertake an exploration activity.
Any work or forward planning before the official release announcement is at the commercial risk and cost of individual operators. The reader should rely on their own independent inquiries to confirm the information and comment on which they intend to act.
- Learn more about the greenhouse gas storage acreage release process
- Read about how we regulate offshore greenhouse gas storage in Australian Commonwealth waters.
- Download the Shapefiles [.ZIP 28KB]
- Download the Maps [.PDF 1.7MB]