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Department of Health and Aged Care
Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission
The Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) welcomes the discussion paper released by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) on Safe and Responsible AI in Australia, and provides the following submission:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging capability that has the potential to transform wide areas of the economy and improve lives. It is expected to have significant impacts in the healthcare sector.
AI is advancing quickly and will likely generate disruptive innovation across many parts of society which has witnessed significant advancements and applications of AI in recent years. AI experts, journalists, policy makers and the public are increasingly discussing a broad spectrum of important and urgent risks from AI. The Centre for AI Safety recently called for global coordination to mitigate these risksi and the
Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre having recently developed a comprehensive ethical framework for the responsible design, development, and use of generative AI technology in health and medicineii. Any future regulation will need to balance the need to ensure patient safety and the need to maintain the security of protective sensitive health information and community trust with the health and economic benefits that may be realised from AI innovation.
The Department supports the development and implementation of policies and governance that promote safe and responsible AI in Australia. As healthcare delivery occurs at different levels of government, a national approach to AI governance, which includes sector-specific governance of AI in healthcare, is desirable to ensure alignment in policy and legislative development, clinical safety, and public health delivery prioritisation. The success of AI in healthcare will depend on national leadership to maintain trust and ensure these systems are safe, reliable, and understandable in how they work.
The responsible adoption of AI in government entails developing comprehensive policies, fostering trust and partnerships, and implementing strategies that communicate the benefits and regulate the use of
AI effectively in various sectors. The Department would like to see a well-informed, ethical, and comprehensive approach to AI integration in the health sector. By understanding and managing risks, fostering inclusivity, and ensuring accountability. The responsible utilisation of AI technologies can contribute significantly to advancing healthcare and aged care services in Australia. This would be complemented by further education and training in relation to AI for the health workforce, policy makers, and the broader Australian public.
Australians have high expectations of the Department in the handling of sensitive information, including defining what data can be shared, with whom, and under what circumstances. Given this role in data sharing, the Department advocates for regulatory reforms and integration of AI-specific regulations within existing Acts. This would provide an avenue to harness the benefits of AI, while effectively managing its risks and protecting the integrity of healthcare information.
The Department also has a key role in providing equitable access to health interventions and services through programs such as Medicare and supporting the national health system in collaboration with states and territories. With a focus on keeping Australians healthy and safe, we recommend the regulatory approach to AI consider how AI impacts wider society as well as those who may be within vulnerable or marginalised communities. This requires approaches for addressing bias and fairness of AI technologies and associated data, and managing their ongoing use, to ensure AI is being used safely and
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Department of Health and Aged Care
Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission responsibly. Furthermore, transparency of AI in the delivery of health care is essential and this should be consistent across public and private sectors.
The Department supports greater ethics consideration when using data for AI purposes, particularly as it relates to health outcomes to enable maximum benefits while ensuring there is sufficient trust in the outcomes and how it affects individuals and society. For areas with direct impact on health outcomes of individuals, there is less tolerance for risk and the response should be proportional to the possible impact.
The Department supports the current approach by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) who regulate products that are intended for medical use including software (that incorporates AI), with a robust regulatory framework for software based medical devices. The framework addresses risks associated with AI and applies to any software included with, or that is a part of, a medical device that is used for diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of disease, injury or disability.
The TGA regularly consults on its regulations to ensure it considers emerging technologies (and risks) to ensure the regulations remain fit for purpose and continue to safeguard Australian patients. The TGA publicly consulted on software including AI in 2019 and 2020 – and published updated specific guidance including clinical evidence and performance requirements in early 2021. Further information about the framework and risk classification with some examples is included in the attached Health response
[Regulation of Software-based Medical Devices - Info sheet for DISR July 2023].
The Department does not recommend banning the use of high-risk AI applications, rather DISR may consider developing guidance on how to use controls to mitigate risk appropriately. The Department strongly advocates for a risk-based approach in relation to AI and recognises that it may need to be mandatory for moderate to high-risk applications in health and aged care. This provides flexibility to ensure regulatory burden and oversight align with the potential risk of a particular activity, and to reduce burden and promote innovation for low-risk AI applications. Key elements of a risk-based approach should include clear definitions of consequences of the risk and objective, clearly articulated criteria to determine the risk level and how to appropriately deal with the risk. Leveraging existing risk- based approaches, integrating AI-specific risks and controls into risk management, and employing a mix of regulatory and non-regulatory frameworks can support the development of a risk-based approach for addressing AI risks.
The Department recommends DISR considers, in partnership with appropriate regulators such as the
National Data Commissioner and the Information Commissioner, the development of guidelines for
Data Impact Assessments (DIA) as part of AI assessments. The DIA could be mandatory for organisations applying AI above a set impact threshold, similar to Privacy Impact Assessments. The DIA could take a multi-faceted approach taking into account the purpose, explainability, ethics, sensitivity, sovereignty, security, and impact to provide a holistic assessment of risk and need for regulation.
Additional input and detail on the discussion paper has been provided via direct responses to the
20 discussion questions. This input differentiates between issues directly related to the Department in comparison to the broader Australian Healthcare System. i
Center for AI Safety (CAIS) ii and
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Department of Health and Aged Care
Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission
Safe and Responsible AI in Australia – Discussion Paper August 2023
Question Department of Health and Aged Care Australian Healthcare System
1 Do you agree with the Whilst a high-level definition could be useful, the way AI is used is context specific, as different No objection.
definitions in this discussion sectors have differing needs.
paper? If not, what The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) already has established definitions related to AI for
definitions do you prefer medical (therapeutic) use which are aligned with the definitions in “Machine Learning-enabled
and why? Medical Devices: Key Terms and Definitions” published by the International Medical Device
Regulators Forum (IMDRF) in May 2022.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) supports the use of
the International Organisation for Standardization definitions.
It is recommended to also include a definition for Automated Decision Making (ADM) to avoid
misinterpreting ADM as fully autonomous. From a legislation perspective, it is recommended to
keep the definition as technologically neutral as possible and consider future use-cases for AI to
help maintain relevance.
2 What potential risks from AI The Department suggests that there is no clear pathway for the sharing of sensitive unit record In considering the development of AI
are not covered by health and aged care data with commercial entities within our current legislative frameworks. regulation we need to consider a wide
Australia’s existing The existing regulations only permit the disclosure of critical departmental data, such as the array of clinicians and professional bodies
regulatory approaches? Australian Immunisation Register, Medicare Benefits Scheme, and Pharmaceutical Benefits across the health and aged care sectors and
Do you have suggestions for Scheme data, to a limited number of trusted Commonwealth agencies, including the Australian their risk appetites.
possible regulatory action to Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). Similar Over the past few years, lots of work has
mitigate these risks? disclosures to commercial entities are not permitted under either the primary legislation or the been undertaken to strengthen regulation
Data Availability and Transparency Scheme (which does not cover private sector firms). and safeguards of Australia’s critical
To effectively manage risks and protect the integrity of healthcare information while harnessing infrastructure. Due diligence to ensure that
the benefits of AI, the Department advocates for comprehensive regulatory reforms and there is no erosion of other forms of
proposes integrating AI-specific regulations within existing Acts. These reforms would legislation would be essential.
necessitate mandatory training for healthcare professionals and adherence to specific AI-related
professional standards, ensuring that AI is utilised responsibly and ethically within the health
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Department of Health and Aged Care
Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission
The Department emphasises the need to implement flagging mechanisms or additional security
checks for medical professionals and researchers seeking access to sensitive data. This would
ensure accountability and reduce potential security risks associated with the access and use of
sensitive health information.
Addressing bias in AI algorithms is of utmost importance to avoid disproportionate impacts on
vulnerable populations, including First Nations and CALD and LGBTQIA+ and people with a
disability. Data sets on which AI tools are trained, do themselves have inherit bias, (ie male
skewed, no comprehensive data on women, gender reduced to the binary) making some groups
“invisible” to the algorithm.
Prejudice cannot be coded out of a model, but proper representation for minority groups can be
taken into considered in setting up AI modelling. To support the empowerment of First Nations
communities, The Department stresses the significance of adhering to Priority Reform 4 of the
Closing the Gap Agreement. This reform aims to grant First Nations people the ability to collect,
analyse, and use data in meeting their community's unique needs and priorities. Respecting data
sovereignty rights and fostering genuine partnerships between the government and First Nations
people are critical principles that must be incorporated into the development of AI technologies
and regulatory frameworks. Complying with the CARE principles of Indigenous Data Governance
further reinforces the commitment to fair and ethical AI practices.
Having approaches for ongoing monitoring and potential re-training of AI technologies and
models is essential to ensure their relevance and performance over time. Implementation of an
AI tool without ongoing review can result in performance deterioration over time due to data
drift, where the data used to train the model is different to the data where the model is being
applied. This could have serious implications if the AI tool is being used in a high-risk sector such
as healthcare, and evidence suggests it is already a concern in medical machine learning
deployment1. The Department would like the longer-term management and use of AI tools be
considered at project inception, including responsibilities for managing the tool, and
mechanisms for detecting and mitigating data drift and performance degradation.
The Department emphasises the significance of AI applications being available in multiple
languages, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for diverse populations, particularly culturally
and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. Addressing potential racial discrimination in AI,
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Department of Health and Aged Care
Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission particularly concerning recidivism predictions, demands meticulous examination and regulatory intervention to uphold fairness and justice.
The TGA have been regulating products that are intended for medical use including software
(that incorporate AI) since 2002, using a robust regulatory framework for software based medical devices. The framework addresses risks associated with AI, and applies it to any software included with, or that is a part of, a medical device that is used for diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of disease, injury or disability. Regulatory requirements are technology agnostic and apply regardless of whether the product incorporates components like AI, chatbots, cloud, mobile apps or other technologies.
The TGA regularly consults on its regulations to ensure it considers emerging technologies (and risks) to ensure the regulations remain fit for purpose and continue to safeguard users. The TGA publicly consulted on software including AI in 2019 and 2020 – and published updated specific guidance including clinical evidence and performance requirements in early 2021. The TGA has also consulted with specific groups such as MSIA and relevant health professional colleges on specific types and uses of software.
The TGA has a range of regulatory actions it takes when software or AI is not performing as intended or if a product is being supplied without appropriate regulatory approval.
Further information about the framework and risk classification with some examples is included in Attachment C of the Departments response [Regulation of Software-based Medical Devices -
Info sheet for DISR July 2023].
The National Mental Health Commission (NMHC) would like to ensure the development and utilisation of AI across Australian society does not result in people who experience mental ill- health being treated unfairly, or in other harms to the mental health and wellbeing of the
Australian community. The Department highlights the specific risks associated with AI for individuals experiencing suicidality. Past incidents where AI inadvertently facilitated access to harmful information underscores the need for vigilance and prompt regulatory action to mitigate potential risks.
The Department notes the discussion paper did not outline regulation regarding the use of AI in the health sector, including in supporting/replacing health workforce and points out there is a risk of AI decision making being relied upon in remote settings versus human decision making supported by AI in urban areas. Ensuring equitable access to healthcare, especially for rural and remote communities, requires the responsible integration of AI support. The Department
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Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission
recommends regulations that cover various aspects of AI's impact, including clinical decision-
making, medical report writing, pathology, and health administration. The Medical Workforce
Policy and Strategy underscores the importance of flexible and adaptable regulations,
considering the rapid pace of AI technology evolution.
The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) suggests that AI presents a risk to the maintenance
of quality healthcare information, which is currently not covered by Australia’s existing
regulatory approaches. The maintenance of healthcare information is currently governed by
professional standards and regulatory frameworks that promote accuracy, quality, and handling
of personal health information, such as the My Health Records Act 2012, Healthcare Identifiers
Act 2010 and Privacy Act 1988. None of this legislation currently contemplates risks from AI nor
the benefits, and although the My Health Records Act 2012 does allow for decision making using
a computer program, there is no specific instruction on automated decision-making.
The Government is considering reforms to each of these Acts so there are opportunities to
include AI-specific regulation as necessary. Current mitigations would be limited to relying on
healthcare professionals undergoing mandatory training and have them meet a set of
professional standards. Another potential risk from AI that is not covered by Australia’s existing
regulatory approaches relates to the use of AI in policy development and administration in the
Australian Public Service. Clarity and disclosure around the use of AI data and algorithms, and
the limitations of these methods, is crucial when AI outcomes are used to develop policy. The
Agency welcomes the recently published Interim guidance for agencies on government use of
generative AI platforms and recommends the development of more detailed guidance in the
future, particularly in relation to policy development and administration.
The Department suggests establishing nationally agreed AI principles as well as nationally agreed
3 Are there any further non- • Likely need for public Education
regulatory initiatives the ethical, clinical and technical standards for AI. It is important to develop these national principles campaigns to provide education of the
Australian Government and standards using a transparent, co-designed and consensus-based approach (and leveraging risks and benefits of the use of AI to
could implement to support international standards where appropriate) to support community trust and confidence in AI. It ensure community and clinician
responsible AI practices in acknowledges efforts by the NSW Government in developing an AI Assurance Framework which awareness and trust levels remain high.
Australia? mandates ethical principles to govern bespoke AI systems. It would be appropriate to consider if • Consider establishing controlled
Please describe these and the NSW Framework can be applied nationally. environments for developers to test AI
their benefits or impacts. systems to identify risks and mitigation
The Department encourages partnerships with academic researchers and centres of excellence,
strategies before AI systems are
such as the National AI Centre, and close monitoring of the Responsible AI Adopt Program, CSIRO
released for use by Australians.
Data61, and UTS Australian AI Institute to facilitate innovation, knowledge sharing, and resource
utilisation. It also encourages an approach to AI governance that considers publicly available
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Department of Health and Aged Care
Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission information both nationally and internationally. It will be important to learn from international • Suggest encouraging positive incentives examples such as the European Union (EU) and Canadian approach and incorporating for compliance – accountability often international guidelines, standards, and certifications into a national AI framework will ensure build on penalties but incentives to responsible adoption of AI technologies. Supporting AI developers and users is a priority, and reinforce safe and responsible use of AI diligently investigating tools developed by countries like the US and Singapore to identify and could be introduced.
mitigate AI-related risks effectively should be considered.
The work of the ACSQHC may assist in supporting the operationalisation of the 5th principle of the AI Ethics Framework - Reliability and safety - in the context of healthcare safety and quality.
As part of its work plan, the Commission is developing resources to assist health services to evaluate and assess AI before the widespread uptake of these technologies. The resources aim to enable the safe implementation of AI into clinical practice and drive measurable improvements in the quality of patient care and outcomes.
The Department recognises the potential need for additional regulatory and governance responses to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place and suggests accrediting the overarching governance processes of vendors developing AI technology, along with their device and software offerings, to instil trust and confidence in AI applications.
The use of software and AI that performs a medical purpose, can be enhanced through further education of relevant health professional colleges and boards, higher education systems and training. Broader benefits could be gained by providing more accessible consumer and other stakeholder education as part of the government response to AI practices. These communication activities should include ensuring those products that are used for medical purposes have relevant TGA approval and that consumers understand the implication of AI and use of their personal information. There are many new stakeholders entering the market who are unaware of existing regulatory obligations and who do not fully understand their ongoing responsibilities.
The TGA partners with ANDHealth to deliver webinars and education initiatives targeted to new entrants including those seeking to commercialise their product.
Within the Australian Public Service (APS), the Government could consider performing an audit of current automated processes that use AI in order to promote transparency and ensure AI is being used safely and responsibly within the APS.
To effectively manage AI-related procurements, upskilling of government officials will be required and close monitoring of procurements will be essential to uphold compliance standards and mitigate potential risks associated with AI implementation.
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Engagement of the health and aged care sector will be crucial to ensure equitable access to
training and education related to AI technology, to facilitate wider acceptance and
4 Do you have suggestions on Whilst there is considerable activity related to AI occurring across government, more • As indicated in the paper, there are a
coordination of AI consideration is required to understand how AI will apply in the health and aged care contexts as range of existing regulatory
governance across there are unique ethical, legal, and regulatory challenges that must be addressed. Existing frameworks that are relevant to AI
government? regulatory frameworks and legislation are not sufficiently developed for the full utilisation of AI governance. However, there would be
Please outline the goals that and are likely to require significant reform. This is particularly so in relationship to risks to value in coordination and information
any coordination human health and around privacy and trust in the release of sensitive health data for use in the sharing in response to related issues.
mechanisms could achieve development of AI tools. For example, privacy, copyright and
and how they could To achieve a cohesive approach, coordination mechanisms need to establish consistency and online safety issues associated with the
influence the development coherence in AI policies and regulations across government departments and agencies. The data used to train models will likely
and uptake of AI in Australia. coordination of AI governance also facilitates the effective sharing of knowledge and resources have similar intelligence and inquiry
and encourages inter-agency cooperation. Government agencies could leverage diverse needs and would benefit from relevant
expertise and experiences to address challenges and capitalise on AI's opportunities. This instrumentalities having clear and
knowledge-sharing approach nurtures innovation, accelerates AI adoption, and ensures that the strong channels for information sharing
technology aligns with Australia's unique needs. Common principles and guidelines will minimise and referral of issues.
potential inconsistencies and create an overall strategy for AI adoption in Australia.
Sector-specific governance of AI in healthcare is essential given the unique risks, challenges and
opportunities posed by AI in healthcare. The Australian Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in
Healthcare’s Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare for Australia could help inform
Australia’s approach to managing the opportunities and risks that AI brings. Building public trust
and confidence in AI technologies will be important to ensure the uptake of AI solutions.
Streamlining procurement processes related to AI technologies is also another crucial outcome
of coordination mechanisms. A cohesive framework could guide government officials in AI-
related procurements, ensuring compliance with ethical standards and mitigating potential risks.
As a result, the smooth implementation of AI applications becomes feasible, driving effective and
efficient use of the technology across government operations. Coordination mechanisms open
avenues for cross-sector collaborations, bringing together government, academia, industry, and
other stakeholders. This inclusive approach fosters strategic partnerships and joint initiatives,
leading to transformative research and the development of AI solutions tailored to diverse
societal challenges.
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Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission
DISR may wish to consider options for governance that supports ongoing inter and intra-
governmental engagement on matters such as AI that are not industry specific – such as privacy
or cybersecurity. The Department and the TGA already works with other governance bodies such
as Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and the Australian Cyber Security
Centre respectively, to ensure a cohesive approach to regulation.
There is an opportunity for the Commonwealth to co-design with jurisdictions a national AI
ethical and governance framework, in consultation with industry experts and the public. The
new national framework would refresh the existing Commonwealth AI Ethics Framework and
could be expanded to cover more specific guidance for key sectors in the economy where AI is
already having, and will have, a significant impact, including healthcare. Such a framework could
form the basis to support for future self-regulation or government legislation.
5 Are there any governance The Department is actively involved in ongoing surveillance of the international landscape with • DoHAC is actively involved in ongoing
measures being taken or the view to identifying new and emerging governance measures, particularly in the EU, UK, surveillance of the international
considered by other Canada, and the USA. There is a need to understand the contextual differences between what is landscape with the view to identifying
countries (including any not acceptable in these counties versus in Australia and learn from their experiences and evaluation new and emerging governance
discussed in this paper) that of new initiatives. measures, in particular in the EU, UK,
are relevant, adaptable, and The TGA maintains a close relationship with other comparable regulators to ensure Canada and the USA.
desirable for Australia? harmonisation of approaches. New requirements for software as a medical device (including AI) There is a need to understand the
are emerging in different jurisdictions including Europe, Canada, UK and the USA. The European contextual differences between what is
Medical Device Regulations (EU MDR 2017/745) has also introduced new requirements, acceptable in these counties versus in
including classifications specific for software as a medical device as part of a risk-based Australia and learn from their
approach. The European rule is consistent with the IMDRF recommendations. Since 2013, the experiences and evaluation of new
IMDRF (covering 10 regulators covering all major markets globally) has had in place, a dedicated initiatives. Consultation with the health
working group reviewing Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), and AI – and publishes technical and aged care sectors will be essential
documents. The IMDRF undertakes global public consultation on all its work and participates in to ensure that governance measures
International Standards Organisation (ISO) standards, including those relating to SaMD. are fit for purpose.
A governance measure that is not discussed in the consultation paper that might help inform
Australia’s approach to AI is the United States' proposed Algorithmic Accountability Act 2022.
This legislation aims to establish a regulatory framework for assessing and mitigating bias and
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discrimination in AI systems used by large entities. It contains principles that might help Australia
address algorithmic bias and promote fairness in AI applications.
Consultation with the health and aged care sectors will be essential to ensure that governance
measures are fit for purpose.
6 Should different approaches No. There should be no differences between use in private or public sector for software and AI • In broad terms, the approaches to
apply to public and private used for medical purposes. public and private sector use of AI
sector use of AI Under existing arrangements, the private sector cannot obtain health data for AI research in should be similar in that the
technologies? preparation for commercial purposes. The private sector can however with universities and they overarching principles should be similar
If so, how should the can justify public interest considerations. and the risks posed by each sector’s
approaches differ? use are similar. However, the
Government public health data is largely administered (ie. without consent to gather data for regulatory framework should be alive
Medicare and PBS) and the use of this data in potential AI applications raises additional ethical to the different kinds of conflicts of
considerations that warrant thorough review and evaluation. Despite the potential risks, the use interest each sector may have in using
of sensitive personal information in the health and aged care sectors can provide a significant AI technologies. In the case of the
public benefit by improving policy and service delivery. Balancing these benefits against the private sector, the typical concern is
inherent risks becomes crucial in contemplating specific regulations for AI activities in this that the profit motivation will lead to
domain, ensuring that they do not excessively burden existing frameworks and hinder genuinely misuse of these technologies and
public-interested activities. regulatory arrangements are crafted
There are already sophisticated frameworks applied to the public sector that aim to ensure its accordingly.
focus on the public interest (including reconciling conflicts between ends and means), for • In the case of the public sector, the
example, parliamentary oversight and legislation, audit and other investigating bodies, FOI and concern is that there may sometimes
transparency regimes, and public sector codes of conduct. As a result, there appear to be be a conflict between ends and means,
differences in the uses broadly considered acceptable by the public sector, including allowing for that is:
the public sector to engage in some higher risk applications of these technologies that would not o on the one hand, a public
be generally considered acceptable by the private sector. body’s objectives (ends), which
should be, by definition, in the
Sensitive personal information can be used for the purposes of improving policy and service
public interest, and
delivery in the health and aged care sectors, which delivers a public benefit that can offset the
o on the other hand, the public
risks inherent in using such information. The key challenge in considering any specific regulation
interest in the ways (means) in
of AI activities in this context, is that they do not create an excessive cumulative regulatory
which public bodies conduct
themselves being fair, honest,
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Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission
burden atop existing frameworks such that it is difficult to pursue genuinely public interested ethical and in line with natural
activities. justice principles.
Maintaining consistent ethical principles across all areas where AI technologies are deployed is
critical particularly in healthcare, given the frequent transitions of care between public and
private health services, as well as between care settings. These transitions involve the transfer of
sensitive health information, demanding careful consideration of the interoperability of AI
technologies to facilitate these transfers securely and efficiently.
7 How can the Australian Australians have high expectations of the Department in the handling of public information and • Provide funding for grants through the
Government further support building public trust will be critical. This requires careful consideration of data sharing practices Australian Government’s $20 billion
responsible AI practices in its to determine what data can be shared, with whom, and under what circumstances. AI and Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)
own agencies? ADM's reliability is heavily dependent on the quality and fairness of the data on which it is Applied Artificial Intelligence Research
trained, and health and aged care data often exhibits strong gender and cultural biases, in Health.
necessitating substantial work to improve data quality and comprehensiveness before it can be • AMA reports there is currently no
utilised in real-world applications. Efforts are underway to develop standard authorisation national framework for an AI ready
provisions that facilitate greater data sharing and access. While synthetic data is often suggested health workforce. Use AI requires
as a remedy for privacy concerns, it is essential to recognise that its creation is resource- retraining of the workforce, retooling
intensive and may still require some real data. If The Department legislation requires reform, the health services and transforming
agency is prepared to contribute to this process. workflows. The health systems is
already resource constrained and such
With the speed of emerging technology, it will be critical for government to ensure that adoption changes will not happen without
of any new technology will not compromise public safety. Government can continue to support strategic investment (AMA Journal 13
responsible AI practices in its own agencies through establishment of guidelines for best practice June 23).
and communication across portfolios to ensure a common understanding and implementation of
priorities, rules, best practice, and investment where required.
When evaluating AI model performance, considerations for vulnerable groups and clinicians are
vital to ensure fairness and equity in the outcomes. To continuously improve the AI systems'
impact and performance on the health workforce, regular evaluation and monitoring are
essential. This includes assessing the effectiveness of AI applications, identifying, and addressing
biases or unintended consequences, and adapting regulatory frameworks as needed.
To support health professionals in making ethical decisions and ensuring patient-centred care
when using AI systems, the provision of ethical-decision making support tools and guidelines is
imperative. These tools will aid in navigating the complex ethical considerations that arise in the
application of AI in healthcare. Government agencies should consider the recommendations
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Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission
provided in the CSIRO Data 61 paper. This approach will foster the establishment of ethical
guidelines and practices for the responsible use of AI in the health sector.
Collaborative efforts involving health care professions, AI experts, policymakers, and regulatory
bodies are essential to develop comprehensive AI governance frameworks that align with the
specific needs and challenges of the health sector. To achieve this, The Department suggests
prioritising investment in training and education to raise awareness of the use of AI and mitigate
potential risks of harm to humans.
To optimise AI implementation, it is crucial to separate regulation from policy development,
project management, and service delivery, as the utilisation of AI in these different areas varies
In addition to the recently published Interim guidance for agencies on government use of
generative AI platforms, consideration could be given to the following activities:
• Invest in training and education programs. For instance, further to priority 5 in the Australian
Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare’s Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence in
Healthcare for Australia, the training workforce for the use of AI should also include policy
• Establish an AI ethics review board or committee to oversee AI projects within government
• Regularly assess and audit AI systems used by government agencies to identify and mitigate
any bias, discrimination, or unintended consequences.
• Collaborate with international organisations and governments to align responsible AI
practices and standards and foster knowledge-sharing.
• Establish mechanisms for reporting and addressing concerns or complaints related to AI
systems used by government agencies.
Mandatory reporting of AI use and activities (where relevant) through each Commonwealth
entity’s corporate plan to enable monitoring, oversight, compliance, and insights into evolving AI
8 In what circumstances are Generic solutions and approach to AI are not suitable for AI used for medical purposes (ie: in • There will be little scope for generic
generic solutions to the risks medical devices). solutions to risks of AI in healthcare
of AI most valuable? settings. It will be important to have
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Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission
And in what circumstances In healthcare alone there are a range of different settings including but not limited to public and technological and human based
are technology-specific private hospitals, primary care, aged care, acute care and National Disability Insurance Scheme. solutions that maximise the benefits
solutions better? Please while reducing the harm.
Further information about how risk based classification rules for software as a medical device
provide some examples. apply is in Classification of active medical devices (including software-based medical devices).
a) where and when transparency will be most critical and valuable to mitigate potential AI risks
9 Given the importance of • Transparency could be partly
transparency across the AI and to improve public trust and confidence in AI? addressed through regulation and
lifecycle, please share your Transparency in the delivery of health care is essential. The Australian Charter of Healthcare obtaining consent from people for the
thoughts on: Rights states consumers should be given clear information about their condition, the possible use of AI technology in their diagnosis
a. where and when benefits and risks of different tests and treatments, so they can give their informed consent. and treatment.
transparency will be most Consumers also need to be advised if their data will be used for any future purpose. To support • Transparency is important to ensure
critical and valuable to health professionals, it’s important for patients/consumers to have transparency regarding the people are aware of the presence and
mitigate potential AI risks use of AI in their clinical/treatment decisions. function of AI in the products they are
and to improve public trust buying and the risks this may carry.
Transparency and the ability to explain the recommendations or outputs of AI and ADM systems
and confidence in AI? Both the general public and clinicians
affects the level of trustworthiness people have in the use of AI technologies. Transparency and
need to be equipped to understand
b. mandating transparency explainability are at times used interchangeably, but it is useful to separate them out, and
these risks.
requirements across the discuss their differences. The Best Practice AI Regulation Toolkit notes that explainability is a
• Community awareness and education
private and public sectors, requirement that goes one step beyond mere transparency. It seeks to explain how AI and ADM
is important and CALD communities
including how these has been applied and why a particular outcome has occurred.
will need advice on AI in acceptable
requirements could be For medical purpose devices that contain AI, transparency is critical in: languages.
implemented. • autonomous use where decisions are made primarily based on the AI output • Mental Health settings and guidance
without any other contextual information to verify accuracy will also need special attention due to
• adjunctive use where other contextual information such as patient symptoms, sensitive nature of mental health issues
physical examination, lab testing or imaging are considered together with the AI and potential impacts.
b) mandating transparency requirements across the private and public sectors, including how
these requirements could be implemented.
There should be transparency consistent across public and private sectors and places the
consumers of AI products at the centre of any policy or mandate.
In the context of medical devices, manufacturers of a programmed or programmable medical
device including those that incorporate the use of AI, must be able to demonstrate compliance
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with the essential principles for safety, quality and performance. This is a legislative requirement
set out under the Therapeutic Goods (Medical Devices) Regulations 2002.
The essential principles include specific requirements to ensure that medical device software is
designed and produced in a way that ensures the safety, performance, reliability, accuracy,
precision, usability, privacy, security, and repeatability is appropriate for the intended use of the
device, and that suitable information on the labelling and instructions for use is provided to the
user. Where AI is part of a consumer’s care it should be declared by health service organisations.
Consideration should be given to regulating the use of statements, similar to privacy statements.
These statements could advise the consumer what part of their care is supported by AI, what
type of AI is used – static or dynamic and what safeguards are in place to ensure user safety. It is
important that consumers are given information about the source of decisions made in their
care. If AI is used in pathways of decision-making, it is important that the relevance of that
decision making to the outcome of care is made transparent.
AIHW engages with the community regarding their trust or otherwise in complex work, such as
data integration that necessitates use, at least initially, of identifiable data. A key feature of the
response is dependent on the uses to which those techniques are being applied. It is possible
that the risks of using AI technologies would be approached similarly by the community and
therefore transparency and a clear articulation of the benefits of such technologies will be
crucial to maintaining community trust. This would include, for example, clear explanations of:
• Why such technologies are necessary to the application in question and what specific public
benefits they deliver over other approaches.
• How the technologies have been designed, developed, deployed, monitored, and
• What human oversight and checking there is of the results of the use of these technologies.
Mechanisms are needed to encourage AI vendors to share or publish their research on how their
tools address bias. Regular reviews of algorithms are required to ensure biases don’t increase
over time (which they will if left unchecked). How often reviews of algorithms are required
should be determined by the risks related to the application.
a) The Department does not support blanket bans on applications or technologies without
10 Do you have suggestions for: • Rigorous testing by clinicians is
review of potential benefits and risks against existing, or new, regulatory frameworks. The
a. Whether any high-risk AI required where AI systems are allowed
Department continues to support risk-based approach to any regulatory frameworks.
applications or technologies to impact clinical decisions.
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should be banned Banning AI may be required for ethical reasons in some contexts, but it is more likely to be
completely? about upholding existing content areas bans. In a healthcare setting, it is not appropriate for
b. Criteria or requirements AI to both predict and respond to a health situation without human intervention.
to identify AI applications or Treatments recommended by AI may not consider the holistic needs of patients, such as
technologies that should be their values or preferences. For example, an AI algorithm may recommend healthcare based
banned, and in which on what will lengthen a patient’s life expectancy, not taking into an account their preference
contexts? for at home care or an ethical objection to certain treatments.
Regulation is required for high-risk AI technology applications in healthcare delivery.
Consideration could be given to the European Union's proposed AI Act, which lists high-risk AI
systems including those relating to healthcare i.e. the management and operation of critical
infrastructure, software for managing public healthcare services and electronic health records
b) Criteria or requirements to identify AI applications or technologies that should be banned,
and in which contexts
AI systems deemed to be high-risk should be inspected if they are going to be deployed and the
creators of the system should have to show that it was trained on unbiased datasets in a
traceable way and with human oversight.
Regulatory frameworks and risk assessments of new AI algorithms in healthcare are required,
particularly for those that have the possibility of doing harm to human health. These
assessments could utilise many of the elements of existing health technology assessment
mechanisms such as Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee and Medical Services Advisory
In a healthcare setting, we recommend considering patient safety and privacy requirements
when identifying whether any high-risk AI applications should be banned completely. AI
regulation is an area where the precautionary principle should be applied where potential harm
to individuals or society is present, and the likelihood of such harm to materialise even where
there is a paucity of evidence.
11 What initiatives or There is a growing demand for appropriate policies in relation to the use of AI in government, to • See response to Question 9.
government action can ensure alignment with the Public Service Act, the Public Governance, Performance and
increase public trust in AI Accountability (PGPA) Act, APS values, and a risk-based approach. To facilitate responsible AI
deployment to encourage adoption, whole-of-government regulations and guidelines for the release and use of AI tools,
more people to use AI? accompanied by widespread publicity should be considered.
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Trust is a crucial issue, particularly concerning AI technologies, for First Nations peoples, who have a history of data collection that has often failed to benefit or, worse, negatively impacted their communities. Establishing trust with First Nations communities necessitates careful consideration of the CARE (CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance | ARDC) and data sovereignty (Delivering Indigenous Data Sovereignty | AIATSIS) principles. To foster genuine partnerships with First Nations people, decisions around data sharing must be made collaboratively and respectfully, acknowledging and respecting First Nations data holders' decisions not to share data in AI development
It is possible to introduce AI technology implementation with lower risk or lower impact applications first and demonstrate the benefits of these initial applications to the public. This could help shift the prevailing discourse from a narrow focus on risks to a more balanced consideration of both risks and benefits. Successful applications of AI already in use can serve as examples. The National Science and Technology Council has recently provided the government with advice on the opportunities and risks associated with current AI technologies, underscoring the need for a thoughtful and well-regulated approach.
To ensure the responsible and effective integration of AI in various sectors, the government can involve clinicians and consumers in the design and evaluation of AI services and products can enhance their acceptance and usability. Large-scale communication about the benefits of AI applications can help build public confidence. Incorporating AI into clinician education and skilling up the workforce, including requirements in clinical qualifications and undergraduate degrees, can bolster the capacity to leverage AI effectively.
Accreditation or endorsement from trusted sources, such as TGA approval or meeting the
Australian Digital Health Agency's conformance profiles, can instil confidence in AI applications.
The government can also develop resources that operationalise regulatory or ethical principles to provide clearer guidelines for AI use.
In addition to clinical applications, promoting AI utilisation for non-clinical purposes can also be beneficial. For example, leveraging AI to assist health services in evidence gathering for quality improvement, service planning/modelling, and accreditation can lead to more efficient and effective healthcare practices
The government could encourage professional peak bodies and with patient-facing clinical organisations to increase familiarity, knowledge and skills of using AI for practitioners and for
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patients – and encourage use of software and AI products that have relevant regulatory
12 How would banning high- The Australian health system is primarily
risk activities (like social government funded and banning these
scoring or facial recognition high-risk activities would ensure its
technology in certain integrity remains intact.
circumstances) impact
Australia’s tech sector and
our trade and exports with
other countries?
13 What changes (if any) to Entities that engage in the development of Australian infrastructure must report any use of AI The health system is looking to AI in
Australian conformity technology in any stage of their processes. A declaration could be considered from an entity that conformity infrastructure and so testing
infrastructure might be all processes would not impact our national security or individuals. standards before deployment would be
required to support The Digital Health Agency supports establishing nationally agreed AI principles as well as required to ensure against unintentional
assurance processes to nationally agreed ethical, clinical and technical standards for AI. These non-regulatory perverse outcomes within the sector. It also
mitigate against potential AI frameworks could help unlock benefits of AI in healthcare delivery, harness opportunities for needs to meet requirements given that the
risks? innovation and promote safer and more secure data sharing practices. It is important to develop health system is part of Australia’s critical
these national principles and standards using a transparent, co-designed and consensus-based infrastructure.
approach (and leveraging international standards where appropriate) to support community
trust and confidence in AI.
In the digital health space, the Agency’s Connecting Australian Healthcare – National Healthcare
Interoperability Plan 2023-2028 outlines a national vision to share consumer health information
in a safe, secure and seamless manner and identifies 44 actions across five priority areas relating
to identity, standards, information sharing, innovation and measuring benefits. Priority area 2
references clinical decision support, a form of AI in its implementation. Exploration of how AI
systems could support and enhance interoperability between clinical systems could be
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14 Do you support a risk-based The Department strongly advocates for this risk-based approach and the TGA currently has a
approach for addressing risk-based approach to assessing and approving AI and any potential risks. A risk-based approach
potential AI risks? provides enough flexibility to ensure that both complex/sophisticated technologies and more
If not, is there a better simple technologies can both comply with the regulations. The regulations could be significantly
approach? strengthened by standards and accreditation, in alignment with regulation. A risk-based
approach could apply to all AI applications, with increased risk based on potential harm to
members of the public, or where there is no professional oversight. These frameworks should be
continually reviewed to ensure they remain fit for purpose as technology emerges.
Further information about risk-based classification of medical devices and classification rules
with some examples are provided in the Health response attached [Regulation of Software-
based Medical Devices - Info sheet for DISR July 2023].
The involvement of healthcare safety experts becomes crucial in understanding the clinical risks
associated with the implementation of various technologies. To ensure its successful
implementation, APS staff will require further training to effectively assess risks associated with
AI applications. It will be essential to take into account the relevant concerns addressed in the
Five Safes approach concerning data usage.
15 What do you see as the Risk-based approaches ensure that regulatory burden aligns with the potential risk of a particular
main benefits or limitations activity for the Australian public and the oversight is proportionate to the level of risk. A strategic
of a risk-based approach? and methodical approach that is inclusive of key stakeholders will ensure limitations are actively
How can any limitations be managed and efforts are made to maximise benefits and reduce risk.
overcome? Benefits
• Improved patient safety: AI tools should be thoroughly tested, monitored, and reviewed.
• Enhanced decision making: AI can aid clinical diagnosis and treatment.
• Resource allocation: AI applications can utilise resources more efficiently if put in place
safely and appropriately.
• Regulatory compliance: ensuring ethical, safe, transparent, and accountable application.
• Ensuring risk ratings are being accurately applied and assessed (the higher the risk the more
regulation that is required).
• Bias and discrimination can be perpetuated by AI systems leading to discriminatory,
unethical and flawed outcomes.
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• Underdeveloped risk assessments that do not accurately quantify risk, particularly due to
the complexity and uncertainty of the technology.
• Lack of standards, regulation, and guidance.
16 Is a risk-based approach Risk-based approaches in health care may harness the resource-saving utility of AI while • A risk-based approach to applications
better suited to some mitigating avoidable harm. of AI in Healthcare is critical and
sectors, AI applications or A risk-based approach to applications of AI is suitable for the APS. essential.
organisations than others • Many of the risks associated with
based on organisation size, These frameworks should be continually reviewed to ensure they remain fit for purpose as healthcare and human health will be
AI maturity and resources? technology emerges. ‘high risk’ due to patient safety, data
A risk-based approach is ideal for high-risk sectors with regulatory requirements, such as aged sensitives and data sharing, use of
diagnostic tools.
care, healthcare and critical infrastructure. As healthcare delivery occurs at different levels of
government and within the private sector, it is highly desirable to have a consistent approach to
public and private sector use of AI technologies to ensure consistent health outcomes for all
17 What elements should be in The elements in Attachment C are largely supported. A risk-based approach requires clear • Patient safety and the ethical use of AI
a risk-based approach for definitions of the consequences of the risk and objective, clearly articulated criteria to determine is a key issue in considering risk
addressing potential AI the level of risk and how it is dealt with. Where possible, the criteria should be written in plain, identification, mitigation and
risks? non-technical English language that an ordinary person can understand. management.
Do you support the
The elements presented in Attachment C, while serving as a foundation for risk assessment, are
elements presented in
lacking the necessary level of detail to be effectively applicable to the health care sector and
Attachment C?
possibly other industries. In the context of healthcare, it becomes crucial to conduct a thorough
review to determine if the implementation of AI has resulted in the replacement of human
activities. If such a replacement has occurred, it becomes imperative to further review the AI
system to ascertain whether it has brought measurable improvements and benefits to the safety
and quality of the tasks or processes it is involved in.
Furthermore, alongside the elements outlined in Attachment C, an essential aspect to consider
in developing, scoring, and evaluating risk-based approaches is the established accuracy and
effectiveness of the predictive modelling that underpins an AI system.
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In the pursuit of risk assessment for AI in healthcare, it is crucial to take into account the existing
risk-based approaches applied to other health technology assessments. By building on these
existing frameworks and regulations, it is possible to establish a comprehensive and coherent
structure for AI risk evaluation, avoiding unnecessary duplication and streamlining the
assessment process.
To ensure a thorough and comprehensive risk stratification, it is essential to involve health care
safety experts in the identification and assessment of clinical risks associated with AI
technologies. Their expertise can significantly contribute to a more informed and nuanced
evaluation of the potential risks and benefits.
Fortunately, Australia has well-established assessment bodies, frameworks, and regulations in
place. Leveraging these existing structures as much as possible can provide a strong foundation
for developing a robust and tailored risk assessment framework for AI in healthcare. This
approach allows for the incorporation of industry-specific nuances while benefiting from the
knowledge and experience gained from previous health technology assessments.
18 How can an AI risk-based This could be achieved by integrating AI-specific risks, controls, and references into risk
approach be incorporated management frameworks and privacy impact assessments, and fostering collaboration and
into existing assessment training between relevant teams, such as privacy, risk, AI development, and cyber security.
frameworks (like privacy) or
risk management processes In respect to therapeutic goods, requirements for privacy are already incorporated into the
to streamline and reduce medical devices regulatory framework (through the essential principles for safety, quality and
potential duplication? performance).
For medical devices incorporating AI, clinical and technical evidence needs to demonstrate the
safety and performance of products to the same standard as any other (non-AI) medical devices.
For higher risk products, clinical and technical evidence requirements are more stringent.
The manufacturer of a medical device must be able to demonstrate the safety, quality and
performance by providing documentary evidence which shows the medical device is designed
and produced in a way that ensures the risks associated with the use of device are removed or
minimised as far as practicable. The manufacturer is also required to ensure that privacy of the
data or information is maintained. Any risks associated with the use of the device must be
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acceptable when weighed against the intended benefit to the patient. Evidence to support this
requirement must be available when requested.
19 How might a risk-based A well-structured model may consider specific use-cases and assign them a higher-level of risk Clinicians
approach apply to general accordingly. For example, Privacy Impact Assessments typically identify higher risks in situations
• Communication risk. People may use
purpose AI systems, such as where there is a greater amount of personal information being utilised, thus providing a starting
large language model-based chatbots
large language models point for analysing such risks. The risk-based model could also consider how the LLM is being
(e.g. ChatGPT) for asking questions
(LLMs) or multimodal used. For instance, if the LLM is employed to generate clinical notes from a recorded medical
about diseases and treatments. How to
foundation models (MFMs)? encounter, then regulations should be based on the inherent risks involved in this particular use-
align the health worker’s explanation
case. To mitigate these risks, controls could be put in place such as a review of any information
with the patient’s knowledge that is
mainly sourced from such models and
When applying risk-based approaches to general purpose AI systems then it is important to other Internet channels.
consider data (including sovereignty), cybersecurity, misinformation and technology dependent • Mental health risk. Does chatting with
risks. A privacy-preserving-based service architecture, e.g. federated learning, is urgently needed these models impact the mental health
to be integrated with LLM and smartphone APPs to better protect user’s privacy. of teenagers or patients?
Similar to other kinds of AI for software with an intended medical purpose, LLMS and MFMS Public
should be subject to a risk-based approach that considers the consequence of using the product
• Digital divide risk. The advancement of
(i.e. the risk of harm and the need for safety and accuracy). When LLMs or MFMs have a medical technology has the potential to
purpose, they may be subject to TGA approval. Regulatory requirements are technology-agnostic aggravate the Digital gap or Digital
for software-based medical devices and apply regardless of whether the product incorporates divide.
components like AI, chatbots, cloud, mobile apps or other technologies. In these cases, where a • It is necessary to invest more resources
developer adapts, builds on or incorporates a LLM into their product or service offering to a user in training and assisting Australians,
or patient in Australia, the developer is deemed to be the manufacturer and has obligations especially ageing people to live with AI.
under section 41BD of the Therapeutic Good Act 1989. • Employment risk. The latest AI
technology will reshape many industry
Technical information and clinical evidence must be available to the Australian regulator to sectors. It is critically important to
demonstrate the safety and performance of the product using the LLM to the same standard as invest resources to re-train and re-
other medical devices – for higher risk products, clinical and technical evidence are required to employ people.
be more stringent. • Privacy issues. The conversation
between end-users and large language
Further information is published by Health on Artificial Intelligence Chat, Text, and Language.
model-based chatbots will be sent to
the server for processing. How these
data will be processed and stored is
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unclear. Moreover, with the
development of many start-up
companies, the large language model-
based chatbots has been extended to
many other applications that might be
further integrated with our
smartphones, wearable devices, and
20 Should a risk-based Decisions around voluntary or self-regulation versus mandated regulation should be based on
approach for responsible AI the level of risk associated with a product or activity. For therapeutic goods, the regulatory
be a voluntary or self- framework for medical devices applies to all software-based products that meet the definition of
regulation tool or be a medical device, whether obtained from, or used within public or private organisations. Higher
mandated through risk uses should be subject to a more substantial regulatory component.
regulation? To establish a risk-based approach in healthcare, it is essential to implement a mandatory
And should it apply to: framework with limited or no voluntary options. One potential source of guidance for
a. public or private determining risk ratings could be the EU AI Act, which offers valuable insights in this area.
organisations or both? However, while embracing this approach, it is crucial to carefully consider the cost implications
associated with its implementation. If made mandatory, the government may need to allocate
b. developers or deployers adequate resources to ensure that all sectors of the Australian community can participate
or both? equally. Particular attention must be given to supporting vulnerable groups, such as First
Nations, people with disabilities, those in aged care, individuals with long-term health
conditions, those facing mental health challenges, residents of rural areas, and those with
limited economic resources.
It is important to note that the extent to which the risk-based approach needs to be enforced
could depend on the specific application of the technology. For instance, for less critical uses like
an app or simple chatbot on a website, it might be more feasible to have a voluntary or self-
regulated approach. However, in cases where the AI applications are utilized for clinical diagnosis
and decision-making tools, a more rigorous and mandatory regulatory framework may be
necessary. Throughout the process, various stakeholders play essential roles. Initially, developers
are responsible for creating the product, and then deployers come into the picture when it
comes to applying and using the technology.
Establishing a risk-based approach in healthcare requires a well-balanced combination of
mandatory regulations, cost considerations, and application-specific assessments, while
20 | P a g e
Department of Health and Aged Care
Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Submission involving relevant stakeholders at each stage of development and deployment. By carefully linking these key ideas, we can foster a more efficient and inclusive healthcare ecosystem.
The Department recommends employing a mix of regulatory and non-regulatory frameworks to enable a holistic approach in managing the risk of adverse consequences of AI in healthcare, as well as to harness any benefits and promote innovation.
The Department supports establishing nationally agreed AI principles as well as nationally agreed ethical, clinical and technical standards for AI.[1] These non-regulatory frameworks could help unlock benefits of AI in healthcare delivery, harness opportunities for innovation and promote safer and more secure data sharing practices. It is important to develop these national principles and standards using a transparent, co-designed and consensus-based approach (and leveraging international standards where appropriate) to support community trust and confidence in AI.
In the digital health space, the Australian Digital Health Agency’s Connecting Australian
Healthcare – National Healthcare Interoperability Plan 2023-2028 outlines a national vision to share consumer health information in a safe, secure and seamless manner and identifies 44 actions across five priority areas relating to identity, standards, information sharing, innovation and measuring benefits. Priority area 2 references clinical decision support, a form of AI in its implementation. Exploration of how AI systems could support and enhance interoperability between clinical systems could be beneficial.
The Department supports having patient safety and data security regulation from the outset and measuring risk before deployment. This is important to manage risks of poor clinical outcomes for patients due to misapplication of AI or bias in training AI which can lead to patient harm and/or misdiagnosis. Regulation is required for certain high-risk AI technology applications in healthcare delivery. Consideration could be given to the European Union's proposed AI Act, which lists high-risk AI systems including those relating to healthcare i.e. the management and operation of critical infrastructure, software for managing public healthcare services and electronic health records. AI applications such as large language models (LLMs) which have a medical purpose may be subject to medical device regulations for software and require approval by the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA). The TGA's Software as a Medical Device outlines how the TGA regulates software based medical devices.
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Software is becoming increasingly important in medical devices and digital adoption more broadly. In addition, it is becoming more important as a medical device, in its own right.
Rapid innovation in technology has driven significant changes to software functionality and adoption, giving rise to a larger number of devices able to inform, drive or replace clinical decisions, or directly provide therapy to an individual. Advances in computing technology and software production have led to a large increase in the number of software-based medical devices available on the market, requiring the implementation of regulatory reforms to ensure patient safety.
Role of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
Software based medical devices are medical devices that incorporate software or are software, including software as a medical device (SaMD), or software that relies on particular hardware to function as intended, and are regulated in Australia by the
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Software (including mobile apps) is a medical device when the manufacturer (or developer) intends the product to be used for diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of disease, injury or disability. Specific medical device regulation including for software is established through the Therapeutic Goods (Medical Device) Regulations, 2002.
In 2021, the TGA refined and clarified the regulatory requirements for software and depending on the intended purpose, a particular product could be:
- Software as a medical device (SaMD) – regulated by the TGA; or
- SaMD that is “carved out” from TGA regulation if the device presents a low risk
to safety or if alternative oversight schemes are in place; or
- Consumer health software – not regulated by the TGA
Compliance with the regulatory requirements is neither optional nor voluntary.
Regulatory requirements
Software that is regulated by the TGA includes:
Digital – software on any computing platforms (computers, tablets,
smartphones, browsers)
Software that is part of a medical device – is regulated as part of that device
Apps that control a medical device – are regulated as an accessory or a device
Apps that rely on medical device hardware in addition to a general computing
platform (eg: sensors) – are part of a medical device.
Regulatory requirements are technology-agnostic for software-based medical devices and apply regardless of whether the product incorporates components like AI, large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, other chatbots, cloud, mobile apps or other technologies – the regulations apply to these products when they are intended for medical purposes.
Companies who wish to supply a medical device in Australia must apply to the TGA to have their device included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG),
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Phone: 1800 020 653 or 02 6289 4124 Fax: 02 6203 1605
OFFICIAL unless the device is exempt or excluded from that requirement. Any company who has an approved device included in the ARTG also has post-market reporting obligations to the TGA.
The level of scrutiny the TGA applies to a medical device before it can be included in the ARTG and made available to Australian consumers depends on its risk classification and the level of risk posed to a patient.
Devices with a higher risk classification (for example, software that makes a diagnosis for, provides information about, or recommends treatment options for a patient with a serious disease) must have very detailed evidence available to demonstrate they are safe and fit for their intended purpose. Less detailed evidence is required for devices with a lower classification (because they present a lower risk of harm). The manufacturers of all medical devices must hold evidence of compliance with the
Essential Principles for safety, quality and performance, and where relevant undergo third-party certification of their manufacturing processes and their technical files.
Some examples of software, software devices and apps that diagnose and monitor illness, states of health or vital physiological processes regulated by the TGA include:
• Class I: phone apps for in-home monitoring of long-sightedness or for
screening shingles recovery using uploaded images
• Class IIa: physiological monitoring software for patients not in immediate
danger – respiration, heart rate, ECG, blood gases, blood pressure monitoring,
body temperatures, EEG
• Class IIb: sleep apnoea monitoring that alerts a carer of life-threatening
• Class III: app that analyses images of moles uploaded by a user to screen for
malignant melanoma, without further input from a health care provider.
In addition to software incorporated in a medical device or SaMD, the TGA regulates software when it is included in an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) device.
Guidance regarding the regulatory requirements for SaMD can be found on the TGA’s website and includes information about data management (privacy, collection, use), cybersecurity, algorithm and model description and validation, bias, integration with other data or devices/systems.
What is “carved out”?
Some low-risk products have been excluded from medical device regulation and therefore are not subject to any TGA regulatory requirements and do not need to be included in the ARTG. Examples include:
- Consumer health products – health prevention and management devices that
do not provide specific treatment suggestions (eg: consumer products for
monitoring heart rate or rhythm solely for general wellness or fitness purposes)
- Enabling technology – for telehealth, remote diagnosis, healthcare or
- Digitisation – simple dose calculators and electronic patient records
- Analytics – population based
- Laboratory information management systems
- Some aspects of clinical decision support software – eg: if they are not intended
to replace health professional judgement in making a diagnosis or treatment
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Regulatory Guidance
Guidance published by the TGA provides useful information for companies seeking regulatory approval. There are general requirements and specific requirements depending on the risk classification and type of product. The guidance documents set out what must be included in technical files and evidence. Including use of real world evidence. This applies whether the software development methodology is agile (or a variant of agile) or other methodology.
When assessing a product, the TGA considers the following:
− Software architecture and design, physical and logical.
− Validation artefacts– overall test strategy and approach, test cases,
requirements traceability matrix, test data, test results and defect rates
− Defect management process
− Human factors – showing how usability and accessibility have been
incorporated into the design and take account of the needs of the users as
general population who are not technically or medically trained
− Cybersecurity risks and how they have been addressed
− Data privacy - how it has been managed as it relates to patient safety and
Australian privacy and data protection law.
− Clear instructions for use on how to use the device with accuracy and metrics
In addition to general software requirements, for software that uses AI or machine learning (ML), the manufacturer is required to show evidence that is sufficiently transparent to enable evaluation of safety and efficacy of the product.
TGA guidance has been developed with input from software industry and other relevant stakeholders. It includes flowcharts and examples to demonstrate the regulatory requirements and rules. An on-line classification tool available on the TGA website is available to assist companies to determine if their software is regulated by the TGA.
The following guidance documents are published on the TGA website at Regulation of software based medical devices.
o Is my software regulated?
o How the TGA regulates software based medical devices
o Regulatory changes for software based medical devices
o Examples of regulated and unregulated software (excluded) software based
medical devices
o Clinical decision support software
o Exemption for certain clinical decision support software - Guidance on the
Exemption Criteria
o Real world evidence (RWE) and patient reported outcomes (PROs)
o Artificial Intelligence Chat, Text, and Language
o Medical device cyber security guidance for industry
o Software as in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs)
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International alignment
Where possible the TGA contributes to and aligns with, guidance developed by the
International Medical Device Regulators Forum - International Medical Device
Regulators Forum (IMDRF)
IMDRF comprises medical device regulators from around the world who develop guidance to accelerate harmonisation of regulation. A SaMD Working Group is currently updating guidance on AI and TGA participates along with regulators from the
USA, Canada, EU, UK, Brazil, China, Korea, Singapore.
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Summary of classification rules for software based medical devices
Diagnosing and/or recommending treatment or
intervention for a disease or condition
Provides information to Provides information to
an individual a health professional
Death/severe Class III Class IIb
public health risk
Serious disease or Class IIb Class IIa
public health risk
Any other case Class IIa Class I
Screening and/or specifying a treatment or
intervention for a disease or condition
Death/severe Class III
public health risk
Risk to individual or public health
Serious disease or Class IIb
public health risk
Any other case Class IIa
Monitoring the state/progression of a disease or
Immediate danger to a Class IIb
person/high public
health risk
Other danger to a Class IIa
person or
public health risk
Any other case Class I
For providing therapy through provision of
May result in death/ Class III
severe deterioration
May cause serious Class IIb
May cause harm Class IIa
Any other case Class I
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“Carve out” from regulation – examples of what’s in and what’s out
Remaining regulated -
Carved out - examples
Consumer health life-cycle prevention, management and follow up
(a) SaMD [not hardware] The information is Software tool to organise
intended for self- intended to be shared and track a person’s
management of an existing with a healthcare health information and
disease or condition that is provider as part of a pre- gives a diagnosis for
not serious (without diabetes management diabetes
providing specific treatment plan
or treatment suggestions)
An app or wearable that
Software that monitors
monitors sleep and
sleep and predicts risk of
movement to assess and
sleep apnoea.
report on quality and
quantity of sleep.
A wearable that analyses
(b) Consumer health and A wearable that allows
the wearer’s cardiac
wellness products (may be the wearer to track their
rhythm for the purpose of
software or a combination heart rate for fitness
screening for a serious
of non-invasive hardware
An app on a smartphone heart condition (which may
and software), excludes
that measures a include atrial fibrillation,
serious conditions
physiological function heart attack risk among
such as oxygen others) - the data
saturation and makes no collection component (the
claims about serious sensor) and the software
diseases or conditions. are regulated.
An app that records and An app on a phone or
tracks physiological tablet that analyses blood
measurements such as pressure and diagnoses
blood pressure, blood hypertension.
test results as part of a
An app that uses the
personal health record.
microphone to analyse
sounds for the purpose of
monitoring or diagnosing
An app that analyses
temperature, movement or
oxygen saturation to
diagnose COVID risk.
(c) Behavioural change or A ‘sun smart’ app that
coaching software for gives user alerts for UV
improving general health protection to minimise
parameters (for example skin cancer risk
weight, exercise, blood
A consumer cognitive
pressure, salt intake).
behavioural therapy
(CBT) app
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(d) PROMs (patient recorded An app that digitises an
outcome measures) and established PROM
patient surveys (including questionnaire (e.g., to
those that form part of an assess the quality of life
electronic health record) of a patient undergoing
cancer treatment),
similar to a paper-based
(e) Digital mental health tools Software that replicates A patient questionnaire
paper-based mental app that analyses the
health assessments in responses using a novel,
electronic format. The unpublished algorithm to
information must be from predict the risk of
authoritative medical depression or an anxiety
sources, as recognised disorder. The software
by the relevant field or provides a diagnostic
discipline, and must be output that the health
cited in the software. The professional would
results can be otherwise not have access
independently reviewed to.
by a health professional.
Enabling technology for telehealth, remote diagnosis, health care facility management
(a) Communication software Video conference with a Software that records and
that enables telehealth medical practitioner, with communicates readings
consultations or supports [a a waiting room facility. from a patient monitor to
clinician in making] remote allow the patient’s
Communication of
diagnosis condition to be monitored
information, for example,
from a remote location.
non-urgent test results.
The software generates
real time feedback based
on measured signals and
generates alerts if signals
are outside an established
(b) Software intended to Processing of financial
administer or manage records, claims, billing,
health processes or appointment schedules,
facilities, rather than patient business analytics,
clinical use cases admissions, practice and
inventory management,
utilisation, cost
effectiveness, health
benefit eligibility,
population health
management, and
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(c) Systems that are intended Medical image storage Software that records an
only to store patient images and retrieval device, or image directly from an
medical image MRI scanner.
communication between
Software that analyses an
MRI scan to automatically
identify potential tumours.
(d) Software intended to be Pharmacy dispensing
used by health systems and prescribing
professionals to provide software used by GPs,
alerts or additional also Clinical decision
information. The health support software – these
professional can exercise are not intended to be
their own judgement in used by laypeople and
determining whether to are not themselves
action the alert or acting as a de facto
information. decision maker.
(e) Software embedded in Clinical workflow and
delivery of health services support – including
display medical
information about a
patient or peer-reviewed
clinical studies and
(f) Middleware that does not Laboratory software that Software that operates an
recommend a diagnosis or facilitates the electronic IVD instrument.
treatment decision and that transfer of data between
Software that combines
do not message IVD medical devices. The
IVD results to calculate
instruments or other software does not control
and report a result for
medical devices a medical device, or
clinical purposes. For
analyse the data
example, software that
transferred in any way.
interprets results from a
first trimester screening
assessment for foetal risk
of trisomy 21.
Digitisation of paper based or other published clinical rules or data
(a) Simple calculators Software that calculates An automated insulin
drug dosing based on a bolus calculator that
published clinical controls the dose
standard. The user delivered by an insulin
inputs the parameters pump
(e.g., age, gender,
weight) and can
independently review the
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(b) Electronic Patient Records Receive, collect, store, A module integrated into
(EMRs) and Electronic manage, display, output, an EMR that directly
Health Records (EHRs) and distribute data, records readings from a
within or between patient monitor to allow
healthcare facilities, to the patient’s condition to
manage patient clinical be monitored remotely.
data. It typically enables
Apps that connect to an
healthcare providers to
EHR and analyse patient
review and update
data to screen for high risk
patient medical records,
of a specific condition
place orders (e.g., for
medications, procedures,
tests), and view data
from many specialties.
Population based analytics
Data analytics that are class or Analysis on a population Analytic app using group based rather than who are asked via email aggregated population individual patient based reminders to report via a data for a particular
website on fever, cough, condition to make
days off work, and inferences about the most
vaccination status. The appropriate treatment
results are used to options for an individual
generate population
Analytic app that extracts
statistics and track
groups from a EHR
infections, which may be
database and combines
of use in studying and
data with other sources to
controlling epidemics.
identify high risk of a
The information is not
disease that leads to
used to inform
action for an individual
interventions for any of
the individuals involved.
Clinical decision support systems
A clinical decision support Software that displays Software that obtains data system is exempt if: information about a from a closed-loop blood
patient and other medical glucose monitor, analyses
• it is not intended to acquire,
information (such as the data to provide early
process, or analyse a medical
peer-reviewed clinical diagnosis of a diabetic
image or a signal from a
studies and clinical- emergency such as
hardware medical device or
practice guidelines). The serious hypoglycaemia.
an in vitro diagnostic device,
software takes this When a patient
information and presents experiences a diabetic
• it is intended for the purpose a diagnosis and relevant emergency, the software
of displaying, analysing, or treatment will alert the treating health
printing medical information recommendation, along professional and use the
about a patient or other with the rationale for this, results of the analysis to
medical information (such as to a health professional make treatment decisions
peer-reviewed clinical studies for the purposes of based on the patient’s
assisting them in unique health profile.
determining a diagnosis
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Carved out - examples
and clinical practice or treatment for their
guidelines), and patient.
• it is intended only for the
purpose of supporting or
providing recommendations
to a health professional about
prevention, diagnosis, or
treatment of a disease or
condition, and
• it is not intended to replace
the clinical judgement of a
health professional to make a
clinical diagnosis or treatment
decision regarding an
individual patient.
Laboratory information management systems (LIMS) and Laboratory information systems (LIS)
Software that automates A LIMS software module
workflows, integrates that performs a
instruments, manages manipulation on the data
samples, reports results that affects the
of assays - but does not interpretation of results or
recommend a diagnosis generates new diagnostic
or treatment. data/information.
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Examples of medical devices incorporating AI regulated by the TGA
Risk classification
Medical device/SaMD incorporating ML/AI as per Australian
Diagnostic digital imaging system workstation application software
Software as a Medical device incorporating AI for full-field digital mammography (FFDM) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). Software is a computer-assisted detection and diagnosis (CAD) Artificial Intelligence (AI) software device intended to be used concurrently by physicians while reading
FFDM and DBT exams from compatible FFDM and DBT systems. The Class IIb system detects soft tissue densities (masses, architectural distortions and asymmetries) and calcifications in the FFDM images and DBT slices. The detections and Certainty of Finding and Case Scores assist interpreting physicians in identifying soft tissue densities and calcifications that may be confirmed or dismissed by the interpreting physician.
Radiology image processing application software
A radiological computer aided triage and notification software indicated for use in the analysis of Chest and Thoraco-abdominal CT angiography. The device is intended to assist hospital networks and trained radiologists in workflow triage by flagging and communicating suspected positive findings of
Class IIb
Chest CT angiography for Pulmonary Embolism (PE) and Chest or Thoraco- abdominal CT angiography for Aortic Dissection (AD).
The device uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to analyse images and highlight cases with detected PE or AD on a standalone Web application in parallel to the ongoing standard of care image interpretation. The user is presented with notifications for cases with suspected PE or AD findings.
Retinal optical coherence tomography interpretive software
Software including artificial intelligence that assists medical personnel by
Class IIa inputting the patient's fundus image and indicating the suspected symptoms of eye diseases (cataract, glaucoma, retinal disease) and predicting cardiovascular risk.
Software or app for use with in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests that are intended to analyse and enable the interpretation of the test result
Software (incorporating ML/AI) that analyses/interprets results from COVID-
Class 3 IVD
19 rapid antigen self-tests or
Software that allows a user to combine their test result with other symptoms to provide an indication or likelihood of having COVID-19.
Gene sequencing platforms for diagnostic use
Software intended to analyse next-gene sequencing data and molecular
Class 3 IVD testing data of tumour tissue using ML/AI approaches to recommend treatment options personalised to a patient’s tumour characteristics.
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