
The Australian Government has tasked Innovation and Science Australia with developing a Strategic Plan for the Australian innovation, science and research system out to 2030. The Strategic Plan will aim to contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of all Australians by ensuring that Australia reaches its innovation potential.

The Strategic Plan will build on the findings of Innovation and Science Australia’s Performance Review of the Australian Innovation, Science and Research system.

It will describe what Australia’s innovation system should look like in 2030 and will make recommendations as to how Australia can get there. It will also outline how our progress can be evaluated. The 2030 Strategic Plan will be delivered to government in the last quarter of 2017.

Why your views matter

Innovation and Science Australia has released an Issues Paper which nominates six challenges we see as central to shaping the strategy, and suggests themes and questions for discussion. We welcome your feedback on these challenges:

  • are they the right ones?
  • have we missed something?
  • how can we move from ideas to actions?

Over the next few months Innovation and Science Australia will be leading a public conversation to discuss these issues and invite your contribution to a Strategic Plan that reflects the hopes and aspirations of all Australians.

Innovation and Science Australia invites you to make a submission. We will accept submissions until 7 June 2017. Where permission is given, submissions will be published on the Consultation Hub.

Our preference is to receive submissions electronically. Innovation and Science Australia will also accept posted submissions received at the address below by 7 June 2017:

Office of Innovation and Science Australia
GPO Box 9839
Canberra ACT 2601

For more information about Innovation and Science Australia and the 2030 Strategic Plan, please visit www.industry.gov.au/isa.


  • Opened
    24 March 2017
  • Closed
    6 June 2017
Office of Innovation and Science Australia