Results updated 11 Jun 2021

Submissions for this consultation have now closed.

The submissions received have informed the development of the 6 National Manufacturing Priority road maps. These outline plans for industry and government to support manufacturing businesses to strengthen and scale in each national priority area.

Read more about the National Manufacturing Priorities, the road maps, and the broader Modern Manufacturing Strategy.

You can also subscribe to receive updates on the development of the strategy and programs.


As part of the 2020-21 Budget the government will invest $1.5 billion in a Modern Manufacturing Strategy. The Strategy is key to the Government’s JobMaker plan. It will harness our manufacturing capability to increase competitiveness, build scale and enhance our future resilience.

The Strategy sets out clear National Manufacturing Priorities for growth in areas of comparative advantage and strategic imperative, including:

  • resources technology and critical minerals processing
  • food and beverage
  • medical products
  • recycling and clean energy
  • defence
  • space

As part of the Strategy, we are partnering with industry to lay the groundwork for our National Manufacturing Priorities. We will facilitate a co-designed process with industry-led expert teams to develop road maps against each of the Priorities. This will help us identify the opportunities to achieve scale in each priority area.

Each road map will set the direction for these sectors over two, five and ten years.

The road map development cycle will be finalised in the first half of 2021.

Why we are consulting

We have been working with Industry to understand the needs of Australian manufacturing.

We now want to hear what you think the key strengths, opportunities and solutions to grow manufacturing in the National Manufacturing Priority areas you work in.

We are seeking input from businesses or business associations relevant to any of the Priorities. Your insights through this consultation will help inform the road map process.

We understand that not all Australian manufacturing fits squarely into just one priority area. You may submit more than one response to address any of the Priorities that are relevant to your business or business association. More information about the Priorities can be found in the Strategy.

Please ensure your input does not contain any information which is commercial-in-confidence.


  • Opened
    22 October 2020
  • Closed
    9 November 2020
Modern Manufacturing Strategy