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Future Gas Strategy Taskforce
Department of Industry, Science and Resources
17 November 2023
Future Gas Strategy consultation - submission
Dear Taskforce
The Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation (trading as DJAARA) welcomes the opportunity to provide a brief submission to the Future Gas Strategy consultation.
DJAARA is a representative body for Dja Dja Wurrung People (Djaara). In 2008 DJAARA gained
Registered Aboriginal Party status to further the fight for Djaara to be recognised as the Traditional
Owners of Djandak (Djaara Country) and be the expert upon our Cultural Heritage. After 15 years of intensive negotiations, the Corporation (on behalf of Djaara), and the Victorian Government signed the
Recognition and Settlement agreement on 28 March 2013.
The Agreement is a means by which Djaara tradition and the unique relationship of Djaara to Djandak are recognised, strengthened, protected, and promoted, for the benefit of all Victorians, now and into the future. The RSA binds the State of Victoria and Djaara “to a meaningful partnership founded on mutual respect." The RSA is a contract and is enforceable subject to law. As we write this submission, we are about to embark on a celebration of the 10-year anniversary of this agreement; celebrate our achievements; and look to the future.
DJAARA’s Renewable Energy and Climate Change Strategies
DJAARA’s vision for renewable energy, as outlined in our Nyauwi Mutjeka (to keep the Sun) Strategy is to heal people, heal Country, and heal climate through clean and renewable energy. Nyauwi Mutjeka outlines that:
Transitioning to clean, sustainable and renewable energy is crucial to addressing climate
change and ensuring a safe climate future for Djaara and Djandak while aligning with the
Paris Agreement.
DJAARA have also developed a Climate Change Strategy (Turning ‘wrong way climate, ‘right way’) through engagement with our members. The Strategy describes that:
Djaara are already witnessing the disruptive impacts of climate change, from harm to
people and communities, landscapes, rivers and animal populations and all the way
down to the smallest creatures: the dragonflies, yabbies, lichens and fungi.
DJAARA wants to walk together with those who live on or share responsibility for
Djandak, to reduce climate change and adapt to the impacts already being felt across
Country. Djaara’s solutions to climate change are holistic and transformative.
It is the aspiration of Djaara that future generations inherit a landscape that is healing
through cultural management rather than a landscape that is unable to support the spirit
and life of Country.
The Climate Change Strategy outlines DJAARA’s support for ambitious targets by all governments to reduce impacts upon people and Country, and that we look forward to working with them towards a better future. The Strategy commits DJAARA to lead by example through a transition from fossil fuel- based energy (e.g. coal, oil and gas) to renewables with local, national and international best practice.
DJAARA’s Climate Change Strategy and Nyauwi Mutjeka outline a range of objectives and actions to drive this transition and achieve these targets while creating many social, economic and environmental co-benefits.
As part of the development of Nyauwi Mutjeka, we interviewed Djaara children (aged between 3 and
12) about why we should no longer burn gas. Responses included:
• To save our solar system
• Fossil fuel comes from animals like dinosaurs and old fish and leaves. It is bad for the
environment and makes people sick. Gas can cause earthquakes…
• Its bad for animals
• It stinks
• The emissions that they give off pollutes our air and makes our planet sick
Response to specific elements of the discussion paper
In line with these Strategic directions and observations by our children, DJAARA supports the objectives of the Strategy to support decarbonisation of the Australian economy and promote
Australia's energy security and affordability.
However, DJAARA question the premise of the Strategy, namely that ongoing gas production and development has a legitimate role to play in the transition to renewable energy. The emphasis on
‘understanding the factors that will help us maintain a worldleading [gas] industry’ and consultation questions that are premised on this understanding are misguided and at odds with the Australian
Government’s commitment to reach net zero by 2050. This is in line with the International Energy
Agency’s (IEA) recent Roadmap that outlines that no new gas development should occur if world is to reach net zero by 2050. As Dr Faith Birol, Executive Director of the IEA states in that report, ‘it is past time for governments to act, and act decisively to accelerate the clean energy transformation.’
The discussion paper highlights that around 21% of Australia’s national net greenhouse gas emissions are related to gas production. There is a need for bold and urgent action to transition away from gas as a key component of addressing the existential risk posed by climate change. The further objectives of the Strategy, namely, to enhance Australia’s reputation as an attractive trade and investment destination, and help our trade partners on their own paths to net zero require such action. Reliance on improving efficiency of the gas industry and dubious methods such as Carbon Capture and Storage do not go to the heart of the problem.
While it is promising that the discussion paper says that the needs of those who live near, work and are affected by natural gas developments, including local communities and First Nations peoples will be considered, these needs are mentioned after those of gas market participants and appear to be secondary in the questions posed. The rights and expectations of First Nations people and the needs of the general public and should be primary, and the emphasis must be on an urgent and just transition away from gas. This is due to the widespread impacts of climate change that disproportionately affect
First Nations people, as well as other groups who are too often marginalised.
Importantly, Djaara want to work with companies and government to transition to clean energy.
Djaara want to ensure renewable energy developments on Djandak benefit Djaara and avoid negatively impacting Country, Native Title, Cultural Heritage, land rights and Dja Dja Wurrung’s
Recognition and Settlement Agreement (RSA). All companies and government entities should work transparently and in good faith with Djaara through planning, construction and ongoing operation of renewable energy projects as well as for upgrades to the transmission network. Together we can create a sustainable and clean energy future that elevates Djaara biocultural knowledge and connection to Country and through genuine partnerships with Djaara can heal people, Country and our climate.
We would welcome the opportunity to discuss this submission. Please contact
with any questions.
Yours sincerely