The Australian Government is developing a new critical minerals strategy. The strategy will outline our priorities for the development of the critical minerals sector, including how Australia can create economic opportunities across the nation, including in our regions, and seize the opportunities of the net zero transformation.
The strategy will help Australia:
add value to our resources
grow our domestic downstream processing and manufacturing industries
support decarbonisation.
The new strategy will reflect:
the important role our critical minerals can play in helping Australia and international partners achieve their emissions reduction targets
the imperative to bring Australian projects online quickly to support diversified critical mineral supply chains and markets
the growth of domestic manufacturing and industrial sectors
Australia’s ongoing commitment to the highest environmental social and governance (ESG) standards.
The strategy will complement other government priorities including:
$15 billion National Reconstruction Fund (NRF)
Powering Australia (including the National Electric Vehicle Strategy and Australia’s emissions reduction target)
Australia Made Battery Plan
A Future Made in Australia.
Discussion paper
This discussion paper marks the launch of our consultation on the new strategy, which will be developed with input from industry and community stakeholders, including traditional owners.
The paper discusses the role of critical minerals in supporting clean energy technologies and considers how Australia might capture global clean energy opportunities by expanding the critical minerals sector into downstream processing.
We are seeking responses to issues raised in the discussion paper to help us formulate the new strategy. We welcome written submissions in response to questions in the discussion paper alongside general feedback related to the strategy or the critical minerals sector.